目前分類:深思探讨我很哲学 (8)

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  • Nov 21 Mon 2011 14:56
  • 底線



marionLoh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Along the process of growing up, friendship changes from true understanding to socialisation.

Not saying it is a bad thing though. I mean, if you have got company, people to talk to, people who care, then everything is fine, right?

marionLoh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If life gives you too many good things, things will turn out bad soon. 

Not because that's how the way it is, but because we become complacent when things go smooth. 

I know this sounds cliche, but we really shouldn't take things for granted.

marionLoh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

That's not too bad because it means life does go your way sometimes.  

I guess it is easier to accept unexpected things when it is of a natural cause, like when it suddenly rains and you can't go out. It becomes very complicated when these things are caused by human. Especially when they have a choice, like breaking a promise.

I am not saying that people should go MY way, just, shouldn't people go THE way? Like in terms of ethics, morality, basic manners & respect? 

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marionLoh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jun 12 Sun 2011 17:57
  • 謊言

那天在MRM(Media Research Methods) module里讀的APA (American Psychological Association) Research Ethics,讓我領悟了一個很簡單的道理,“被騙的人會受到心裡創傷”。

聽起來明明就很common sense。。。


marionLoh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()


其實本來今天可以算是放假了,只是因為有份功課老師讓分數不是很好的同學可以重寫。好想不要寫 ): 明天還要因為它去學校交。幾麻煩!但我不能任性。 > <


marionLoh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


我發現我無法討厭任何東西。有些人或許會覺得是一件好事,但我不知道是好是壞。有愛就有恨,如果一個人的情緒里沒有恨的話,是不是代表自己潛意識在壓抑著這種情緒,還是說其實這個人的愛也是有所保留? (偏題了,回來啊~

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