Along the process of growing up, friendship changes from true understanding to socialisation.
Not saying it is a bad thing though. I mean, if you have got company, people to talk to, people who care, then everything is fine, right?
I know I am going to contradict myself with the next sentence: Understanding should be the basis of every relationships.
But... isn't it true?
Attempting to understand is a way to show that you care from within. But how many actually successfully understand? It probably takes a lot of patience and perhaps some kind of chemistry.
Though if you insist on skipping that step, go ahead, at the expense of the relationship.
Oh but really, some people just exist to not be able to understand, to be oblivious. Still, you can't really blame them when you understand what and how they are.
Anyway, probably am writing this because I am Soulmate-deprived (Not very likely for her to this because she is busy mugging 24/7 lollll). A best friend is really precious to have, especially one that you can talk anything about, even without telling everything (Am I making sense?) I miss the times where my house phone actually gets utilised, and we can talk for hours. But life has gone on and everything has changed. We are now busy bees who only get to message each other sometimes.
Something irrelevant. I haven't been using Chinese a lot since school started. Okay my next post must be in Chinese.
- Nov 17 Thu 2011 00:42